Health & Beauty

Tips for Healthier Skin

O ne consultation with a dermatologist can cost around $150. Although it is crucial to take doctor's help if you're dealing with a skin concern, not everyone has the money to spare for just a skin consultation! Does that mean you can’t take care of your skin? No! That’s why we have compiled these tips for healthier skin.

Your skin is the largest organ you have, and it is the outermost layer that protects you. It is important for you to protect it too, so that it can do its job best. Here are a few things you should look out for.

  1. Drink Lots of Water

Hydration is very important for healthy skin. Dehydration leads to cracks, and drinking water maintains the elasticity of your skin. Elasticity is crucial to flexibility, and flexibility is crucial to mobility, all of which factor in healthier skin.

Drinking abundant amounts of water protects you from fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and signs of aging. So make sure to stay hydrated if you wish to have clear and healthy skin.

  1. Eat Healthy

It is important to know what foods make your skin prone to diseases such as chronic or cystic acne. Generally, organic and natural foods do wonders for your skin health. Make sure you are consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables, and are low on processed sugars and fatty foods.

The better your nutrition is, the better your skin is likely going to be.

  1. Use Sunscreen

SPF is something we find very convenient to skip on, but it’s possibly one of the worst things we can do to ourselves. Even if you won’t be lounging out in the sun, wear sunscreen if you’re headed outside your home. For example, wearing sunscreen to the beach may sound obvious, but it is equally as important to wear sunscreen if you are going to a restaurant. If there is any chance of exposure to the sun, wear sunscreen.

  1. Manage Your Stress Levels

Extreme amounts of stress can directly lead to acne breakouts. Try to manage your stress by reducing the workload you put on yourself whenever possible, and also by being more practical with your goals. Incorporate fun activities in your life, or do things that make you happy. Take visits to the salon to rewind after long weeks of work and get a facial or a pedicure.

Most importantly, make sure you are getting enough sleep. Not sleeping enough at night can drastically increase irritability and thus stress levels. Change your lifestyle a bit to make it a little laid back and notice the changes in your skin.

  1. Wash Off Your Makeup

It’s near impossible to stress how important this is because convenience always triumphs necessity if you are tired, but please take off your makeup before you sleep. Yes, it is exhausting, and yes, you had a long day, but you’ll be adding weeks worth of damage to your skin if you skip out on this crucial step before going to bed.

You don’t have to follow your entire 11-step nighttime skincare routine, just use an oil-based and a water-based makeup remover to get off all the chemicals and gunk from your face, and then use your normal face wash. That’s it. You can make up for the serums and creams and moisturizers in the morning, but it is very important to not let makeup sink into your skin as you sleep.

  1. Stop Touching Your Skin

Your hands carry a lot of bacteria. Way more than you think. Every time you touch your skin, you make it more dirty than it was before, therefore increasing your risk of breakouts.

If you have a pimple, DO NOT touch or pop it. Please! It’s very tempting, but it is incredibly damaging to your skin and can lead to scarring, not to mention multiple more breakouts can happen as a result of the bacteria seeping into nearby pores.

  1. Use Retinoids or a Retinol Alternative

Your skin undergoes a lot of damage that it often cannot repair by itself, and it’s okay to need help sometimes. Give your skin a hand by using OTC retinols or prescription retinoids (whichever works for you). These ingredients help your body in repairing the DNA damage sustained by your skin from the sun and from the environment, especially if you live in a particularly dusty atmosphere. It can also help in preventing certain skin cancers!Whatever your motivation may be, it is important to take care of your skin, and that’s why we have created this list of tips for healthier skin. However, be sure to consult a proper dermatologist for any skin related issues or flare-ups you may notice.

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  • skincare
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  • tips