Health & Beauty

Different Methods to Increase Your Energy

B oosting your energy to properly manage your activity is crucial, which is why following different methods to increase your energy is important! There are 3 areas that are important and must be taken into account to recharge your energy: physical, mental, and emotional areas. But this vital energy is often undermined by stress, chronic overload, anxiety, and toxic emotions.

Yet, even in this type of context, some people hold out while others collapse and exhaust their bodies with physical and psychological repercussions: extreme fatigue, lack of concentration and memorization, sleep and appetite problems, musculoskeletal disorders that lead to irritability, intolerance towards others, isolation, and often, depression.

Our vital energy is not unlimited! It's like a battery that needs to be recharged.

Here are wellness tips to boost your energy at work from Monday to Friday and from morning to night.

Physical Energy

Getting Started In The Morning

Most people jump out of bed as soon as they wake up, rush into the shower, throw themselves towards a cup of coffee, eat badly (or not at all), and rush to work. To deploy good energy in the morning, it is important to start your day well by taking time to do these things. 

  • Take the time to stretch and breathe deeply.
  • Tell yourself that it's a beautiful and wonderful day. Be positive and list all the beautiful things that await you and visualize them.

Manage Your Diet Well:

If you are a fan of bread, butter, and jam for breakfast, know that the rhythm of the body is not suitable for this type of meal in the morning:

  • From 4 a.m. to noon, our body mainly performs detoxification and elimination activities and uses the assimilated energy of the foods of the day before.
  • From noon to 8 p.m., it devotes itself mainly to digestion. So it's time to eat the most important meal in the middle of the day to give your body time to digest well.
  • From 8 p.m. to 4 a.m, the body assimilates what it has just digested.

So, what should you drink and eat in the morning?

  • Hydrate yourself with green tea or a large glass of hot water mixed with lemon juice and honey.
  • Eat fresh fruit

Gain Energy With Good Posture: 

Good posture allows good energy circulation. If you are poorly seated, a bad posture causes you to lose about 20 to 30% of your energy.

Take Breaks During The Day:

To manage your energy at work or outside and relieve stress and fatigue, it is important to take regular breaks every 90 minutes. Take 5 to 10 minutes to hydrate, stretch and walk, or self-massage.

The lunch break is also very beneficial. Leave your workplace if possible to come back more relaxed. You will be more focused for the second half of the day.

Recharge Your Body With Energy:

Press your back against a tree and stick as much surface as possible. Then put your hands and arms against the trunk. Ask your tree to clean up the negative energies that are accumulated in your body. Visualize these energies that descend into their roots and return to the earth to be transformed.

Mental Energy

Start Slowly At The Beginning Of The Week:

After the weekend break, start slowly on Monday if possible and focus on administrative tasks.

Accelerate In The Middle Of The Week:

In the middle of the week, energy is at the top. That’s when you can manage the most important tasks.

End of the Week:

On weekends, the energy level is often lower. Perform more creative tasks, plan your work for the following week.

Emotional Energy

The solar plexus is the center of vital energy. When this center is not blocked, it radiates energy and vitality to all parts of the body.

But when the solar plexus is disturbed by negative emotions, it no longer generates enough energy to vitalize the body.

Conflict, tensions, and fears block our inner light. Throughout your day, stay aware of your state of being because your emotions are decisive for increasing or decreasing your vital energy.

Show More Attention:

Instead of noticing what is wrong with others, instead, seek to develop your benevolence towards them. It takes 10 positive attention marks to value one person while only one mark of negative attention will be destructive to the other.

To increase your emotional energy and that of others, compliment them, support those around you, send a little note, and smile!

Pay full attention when you are with others. Listen to them, ask questions and avoid talking only about yourself.

Treat Yourself:

Doing what you love generates positive emotions and helps maintain a high level of energy. List the activities that you like and motivate the most. Plan at least one of these activities each week.

Now that you know all these different methods to increase your energy, make sure you implement them in your life!

  • This post is tagged in:
  • health
  • energy
  • mental health
  • wellness