
Best Ways To Make Your Home Smell Fresh And Clean

E ver walked into someone’s home and been welcomed by an amazing smell?

While every home surely has a unique scent, some actually do smell better than others. And, one of the first few things that people notice about your home is the scent.

If you are worried your home doesn’t smell as great as you want, we have some of the best ways to make your home smell fresh and clean.

Think of these ways as brilliant shortcuts that will help make your home smell absolutely divine the second you walk into it!

Roasted Coffee Beans

Don’t you just love the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafting through all these breakfast cafés every single morning?

Well, you can have your home smell like that, too!

Simply take a handful of coffee beans and roast them in the oven for about eight to ten minutes. Once the timer is up, leave the oven door open and wait for the wonderful smell of the coffee beans to fill the air inside your home.

If you are a coffee lover, roasted coffee beans are your ticket to a fresh-smelling home.

Simmering Stovetop Potpourri

Most of you are likely to have a dusty bowl sitting on the center table in your homes filled with dried potpourri that no longer has that unique scent and freshness. Truth be told, potpourri bowls are now passé, but if you were to simmer some on your stovetop, you’d be making your house smell incredibly lovely in no time!

Simmering stovetop potpourri is one of the easiest and best ways to make your home smell fresh and clean. As the dried petals and spicy herbs simmer away on the stove, you will start to smell something delicious in the air!

If you are looking for that distinctive fall coziness, cinnamon sticks, apples, and oranges are excellent choices. Or, if you want that clean, fresh smell, go for the ultimate combination of vanilla, lemon, and rosemary.

Essential Oil Diffusers

Essential oils are commonly and popularly used in aromatherapy for their numerous health benefits. But, as it turns out, they do an equally amazing job at fighting bad smells and odors too!

A sure-shot way of making your home smell clean and fresh is none other than using an essential oil diffuser. This is basically an electric device that helps fill a space with fragrant aroma by transforming the essential oils into diffused mists. These mists spread around the room and provide instant freshness to the atmosphere!

The best part is they are super easy to use – all you have to do is fill the diffuser with water, add a few drops of your favorite essential oils to it and turn the device on. Next thing you know, your home will smell like flowers and citrus fruits within seconds!

DIY Air Freshener Spray

A lot of people often use store-bought air fresheners to make their homes smell clean and fresh. While they are quite easy and quick to use, a huge downside is they contain chemicals and harmful substances that can affect the indoor air quality.

A great alternative to this is a DIY air freshener spray made of aromatic botanicals like lemon myrtle, lavender, and eucalyptus. All you need to do is steep your choice of herbs in boiling water and allow the herbs to infuse their aroma into the hot water. Then, transfer the mixture to a spray bottle and spray it all around the house.

Soon enough, you will find your home smelling like fresh botanicals that will fill the air around you with earthy scents.

Clean Your Garbage Disposal

Most kitchens tend to have a lingering stink that doesn’t go away no matter what you do. Eventually, the smell spreads around the house, creating quite an unpleasant odor.

A common culprit behind this is your garbage disposal. It goes without saying; you must clean your garbage disposal daily if you wish to prevent your home from smelling bad.

One of the easiest ways to get your garbage disposal smelling good again is making garbage disposal cubes. Take some old, leftover lemon peels or orange peels, cut them into pieces, put them in ice cube trays, and fill them with water. You can also add vinegar since it’s an excellent odor-neutralizer.

Freeze the cubes overnight and then run them through the disposal in the morning. Ultimately, a clean, fresh-smelling garbage disposal will also help make your home smell good.

Make Your Home Smell Fresh and Clean In Seconds!

The above-mentioned tips and hacks are some of the best ways to make your home smell fresh and clean within seconds. The part is they are super easy and simple to execute and they will help you fill the indoor air with fragrance in no time!

  • This post is tagged in:
  • home smell clean
  • Fresh-smelling home
  • garbage disposal
  • essential oils
  • air freshener
  • fragrance
  • coffee beans
  • potpourri